Upcoming events.


Holy Vessel Day Retreat

Holy Vessel Day Retreat

Welcome the loving embrace of a full day devoted to your ascension and your humanness.

Intentionally tender yet powerful energy will encompass you throughout our sacred time together inviting you to transform the sludgy gunk weaving disillusion and pain throughout your life and metamorphosis it into a diamond of self empowerment.

You will be faced with layer after layer of YOU but that you that you discover and hold isn’t to be discarded it is to be unconditionally loved.

All of you is worthy of love. 

In Holy Vessel you will be expertly guided by myself and Sophie deeper, deeper, deeper than you have ever gone before and what you will find is more power, light, clarity and directed purpose within you.

You will leave feeling lighter but more grounded into your holy vessel, the body that connects the soul to this earth plane. 

This is an in-person event in Gibsons, BC

Get Tickets HERE

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Third Eye Activation CMBC

Third Eye Activation CMBC

Expand your mind, consciousness and clairvoyance abilities with November’s Third Eye Activatoin.

See beyond the veil of our dimensional plane as well as beyond the constructs of the inverted matrix with this third eye clearing.

Receive a channeled guided meditation, energy work and intuitive readings as a light house beacon to guide you through shedding what was and give yourself permission to step into your new reality.

Allow November’s CMBC Third Eye Activation to guide you through to your energetic blueprint, clearing pain, distortions and inverted truths. You are part energetic and part physical. All matter starts in the energetic plane, come take your sovereign power of all that you are in this group guided meditation in the virtual temple.

Navigating your inner mastery is possible.
Declare your intention and walk the path of your highest evolution.

Get Tickets HERE

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This month’s CMBC will take you on a trip through dimensional fields into the Inner Earth plane to receive healing and rejuvenation.

There is so much desire to go up into the cosmos; to leave this earth plane. But there is an abundance of knowledge here on Gaia.

You are here, starseed, to be a human, to anchor your light and wisdom into the Earth. Mother Earth will replenish your soul through the intricate weaves of the Inner Earth network while you activate your light and grid working gifts.

Allow Inner Earth and her higher dimensional Beings to heal, rejuvenate, activate and bring forth more soul remembrance for your ascension journey.

Get Tickets HERE

Upon purchasing this ticket you will receive an email with the zoom link in it, be sure to check your junk/spam folders.

**If you cannot make it live a replay will be sent out within 24 hours. The energetic frequency is encoded and can be accessed at any time, you do NOT have to attend live to receive the energy of these transmissions.**

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Chakra Energy Healing CMBC

Chakra Energy Healing CMBC

This month’s CMBC continues down the path of embodiment and soothing after the first half of 2024 has rocked and rolled the collective and individual alike.

With the next lunar eclipse happening mid Sept and the solar eclipse in early Oct we are now in the eclipse windows. Meaning we are already within the energy of change, realignment and revealing.

Allow the harmonizing of your chakra system to help bring ease into your realigning journey.

Get Tickets HERE

Upon purchasing this ticket you will receive an email with the zoom link in it, be sure to check your junk/spam folders.

**If you cannot make it live a replay will be sent out within 24 hours. The energetic frequency is encoded and can be accessed at any time, you do NOT have to attend live to receive the energy of these transmissions.**

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Inner Child Healing CMBC

Inner Child Healing CMBC

Receive a channeled guided meditation, energy work and intuitive readings as a lighthouse beacon to guide you through shedding what was and give yourself permission to step into your new reality

All are welcome on this guided meditation and collective healing call; we rise together.

Get Tickets HERE

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Holy Vessel Day Retreat

Holy Vessel Day Retreat

This is an intimate and powerful gathering designed to provide you with ample and direct access to both Sophie & I throughout the day.

To secure your spot payment must be sent to info@spiritandsophie.com

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reiki level 2

reiki level 2

This in person group Reiki attunement will be held at Forest and Fog, Powell River.

In Reiki level 2 you will expand your energy hygiene, learn how to provide Reiki treatments for another, become a Reiki practitioner, receive 3 Reiki symbols, how to do distance Reiki and more.

When you are attuned to Reiki you become a clear channel to receive the frequency of  Reiki, life force energy. As a fine tuned antenna you can efficiently receive Reiki energy for yourself and invite it to move through you to offer it to another.

One can read a book of Reiki and learn hand positions, but until you have been attuned to channel Reiki, you cannot truly practice it.

Join me Saturday April 27th, from 10:30pm-3:30pm

You will receive an attunement, a PDF work book and Reiki level 1 certificate

Spaces are limited

*pre-requisite Reiki Level 1

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Reiki level 1

Reiki level 1

This in person group Reiki attunement will be held at Forest and Fog, Powell River.

In Reiki level 1 you will learn about the history of Reiki, energy hygiene, self Reiki treatments and chakras + Reiki.

When you are attuned to Reiki you become a clear channel to receive the frequency of  Reiki, life force energy. As a fine tuned antenna you can efficiently receive Reiki energy for yourself and invite it to move through you to offer it to another.

One can read a book of Reiki and learn hand positions, but until you have been attuned to channel Reiki, you cannot truly practice it.

Join me Saturday April 20th, from 10:30pm-2:30pm

You will receive an attunement, a PDF work book and Reiki level 1 certificate

Spaces are limited

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As we near the end of the astrological year and winter many are feeling the shift in the season.

March’s CMBC Emerge is a space to hold reverence for the depths that your inner winter where you went inwards. A time of reflection, slowing, darkness and personal vulnerability.

To slow down, hibernate and go inwards is a gift.

It is to be planted in the dark nutrient rich soil while your dreams germinate.

It is to go into the cocoon to metamorphosize from the caterpillar (what was) into the butterfly (what will be).

The time to emerge is now.

Receive a channeled guided meditation, energy work and intuitive readings as a light house beacon to guide you through shedding what was and give yourself permission to step into your new reality.

Allow March’s CMBC Emerge to guide you through to your energetic blueprint, clearing pain, distortions and inverted truths. You are part energetic and part physical. All matter starts in the energetic plane, come take sovereign power of all that you are in this group guided meditation in the virtual temple.


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Collective Healing Reiki CMBC

Collective Healing Reiki CMBC

To support your ascension and personal growth step into receptivity by receiving a full Chakra Balancing with Reiki followed by live readings done for those on the call based on Spirits direction.

Healing and connection happens when we are held, the nervous system is calm and the whole chakra system is working together.

As you receive the high vibrational Reiki to balance your system Nyla will share any intuitive & psychic insight to support further awareness and personal healing.

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Reiki Level 2 Attunement - virtual

Reiki Level 2 Attunement - virtual

In Reiki level 2 you will expand your energy hygiene, learn how to provide Reiki treatments for another, become a Reiki practitioner, receive 3 Reiki symbols, how to do distance Reiki and more.

This class is 4-4.5 hrs long.

You will receive a pdf workbook, Reiki level two attunement and a pdf Reiki level two certificate.

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Reiki Level 3A Attunement - virtual

Reiki Level 3A Attunement - virtual

In Reiki Master level 3A you are initiated into your Self Mastery.

You will further clear and widen your channel, receive the master Reiki symbols, advanced Reiki techniques and more. You will receive a pdf workbook, Reiki level 3A attunement and a pdf Reiki Master level 3A certificate.

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Reiki Level 1 Attunement - virtual

Reiki Level 1 Attunement - virtual

In Reiki level 1 you will learn about the history of Reiki, energy hygiene, self Reiki treatments and chakras + Reiki.

This level is 4-4.5hrs long

You will receive a pdf workbook, Reiki level one attunement and a pdf Reiki level one certificate.

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CMBC: Grounding Frequency

CMBC: Grounding Frequency

Clearing and activating your lower 4 chakras - earth star, root, sacral and solar plexus, will not only innately amplify your intuitive and psychic gifts, it will also support you to go deeper into your healing, feel safer to clear ancestral and soul trauma, reconnect to the body, find peace and clarify within, reduce looping and spiralling mental chatter, feel more energized and sink deeper into your soul's mission.

Click here for Grounding Frequency tickets

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Experiencing imposter syndrome or feeling that you aren't good enough, that you're a fraud or having self doubt are normal! Most folks have experienced some form of imposter syndrome but it is how we work and move through it that is important.

Your soul's work, your dream, your innovation, your gifts, your next layer expansion and taking a chance on yourself are significant and possible to connect to!

You will walk away:

  • Learning what imposter syndrome is,

  • how to overcome it and

  • learn from your negative self talk and turn it into your power.

  • with resources to support yourself for when you find it creeps in again (because it can for each new layer that you expand into!).

  • awareness of triggers and how to support yourself.

  • transmuting those fears of feeling less than into feeling capable, activating your inner confidence and ready to embrace a new way of living.

  • feeling connected to your highest truth, possibilities and gifts.

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Illuminate Your Shadows

Illuminate Your Shadows

Join us for the 2022 solstice celebration of honouring the greatest amount of day light by illuminating the shadows within. This in person event will offer a mini shadow work shop including personal intuitive insight for your shadow work journey, a guided meditation, hands on reiki, a space to share if desired and intentionally closing of the circle.

Location: Davis Bay Hall, Davis Bay, BC

June 18th at 7pm


Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/solstice-celebration-illuminate-your-shadows-tickets-361084402167

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Connect to Nature with Loretta Cella & Nyla Falardeau

Connect to Nature with Loretta Cella & Nyla Falardeau

Join Nyla Falardeau + Loretta Cella in-person for a magical evening of meditation, heart energy, reiki and breathwork, in the presence of horses.

The practice of reiki and body therapy breathwork alone are powerful, combing these modalities offer deep and permanent impact.

This event is in Robert’s Creek, BC.

ticket links: coming soon.

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Reiki Level 2 virtual attunement

Reiki Level 2 virtual attunement

When you are attuned to Reiki you become a clear channel to receive the frequency of Reiki, life force energy. As a fine tuned antenna you can efficiently receive Reiki energy for yourself and invite it to move through you to offer it to another.

Virtual Temple is live only, there will be no recording sent.

Reiki level 2 attunes your emotional body and widens your channel to have a refined Reiki practice.

In virtual temple you will receive: Reiki teachings with a focus refined energy management, Reiki practitioner, auras, Reiki symbols and distance treatments. Additionally you’ll receive a workbook, intuitive guidance, Reiki attunement and digital Reiki certificate.


Enroll for Reiki level 2 virtual temple here.

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Reiki Level 2 in-person attunement

Reiki Level 2 in-person attunement

When you are attuned to Reiki you become a clear channel to receive the frequency of Reiki, life force energy. As a fine tuned antenna you can efficiently receive Reiki energy for yourself and invite it to move through you to offer it to another.

This attunement is held in-person in Sechelt, BC, Canada.

Reiki level 2 attunes your emotional body and widens your channel to have a refined Reiki practice.

You will receive: Reiki teachings with a focus refined energy management, Reiki practitioner, auras, Reiki symbols and distance treatments. Additionally you’ll receive a workbook, intuitive guidance, Reiki attunement and digital Reiki certificate.


Enroll for Reiki level 2 in-person here.

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To access recordings of past events, please visit our store.

  All photography on this site by Lindyn Williams