Plant your feet on the ground, close your eyes. I want to share something with you.
My name is Nyla and I have a vision. It includes communities composed of individuals in remembrance of their own soul’s truth, who use their unique gifts to replenish the energetic grid to which we are all connected.
This vision includes my values of Holism, Empowerment, Self-Healing, Reverence, Consent, Safety, Groundedness, and Impact. My values connect to all aspects of my life. They guide me in my work and have been formed by the experiences I have integrated, and the wholeness I have claimed for myself.
These values were formed throughout my life, and my experiences have led me to a place of deep trust in myself and my gifts.
In my early 20s, I studied nutrition, learning about herbs, and working under the mentorship of a wellness practitioner who guided me in learning how to tap into the body’s energy.
It became clear very quickly that I had a knack for this work.
During this time, my mother became ill. I could tell with this new practice something was going on but didn’t know what. I did what I could with my new knowledge and experience to support her.
My mentor at the time had also treated my Mom, and I would later learn that he knew all along what was wrong.
He knew. And didn’t tell me.
It took until after my mom passed for me to process my confusion and sense of betrayal towards my mentor.
My trust in my knowledge, my intuitive gifts, and my ability to heal was shaken to the core. But my trust in myself, my ability to surround myself with the right people, was shattered. How could I have missed it?
I shut down my intuition. The trust was gone, and it was too painful to connect. It reminded me how I’d been used, how disempowered and ashamed I felt.
I lost touch with who I was.
A few months later, I learned I was pregnant with my first baby.
It felt like a new beginning.
But a few days before my due date, I awoke to find my partner had died while I slept beside him. Sudden. Unexpected. Out of nowhere.
Somethings you never forget. That day will be with me forever. Every minute, every moment, every breath.
Four days later our daughter was born. Vera.
While still mourning the death of my mother and now that of my partner, I had to learn how to mother this baby girl.
We moved in with my aunt on the Sunshine Coast when Vera was two months old so that I could receive the support I needed.
I felt pinned between grief and the desire to show up for my daughter.
Being a mom meant I had to get up, I had to feed myself, I had to take a shower, I had to keep going.
To be the mother my daughter needed, I had to mother myself back to wholeness.
Soon after moving back to the Coast, I met the man who would become my husband.
Less than 2 years later we welcomed a second girl into our family. Giselle.
Over time I re-committed to my nutrition work. I needed something other than being a Mom as my identity and this work allowed me to remember that I was more, that I could be more.
And in early 2020 that belief that I could be more was affirmed.
It was a usual Sunday for our family. We were at my in-laws for dinner and out of nowhere, I got a fever. When we got home my fever spiked. As it began to break, I had a very vivid vision of Archangel Michael. Even now I can feel it and see it.
He shared that I was here to offer more than nutrition. He reminded me of my ability to tap into nonphysical energy. He shared that I could bring people to the root cause of their emotional or physical pain and support people in understanding that true healing takes more than physical remedies or nutrition, it also requires the energetic level.
I knew that it was time to recommit to my intuitive gifts and prioritize myself.
I committed to meditating for a few minutes at a time. I made sure I was grounding myself, going outside, taking moments to breathe in nature, walking barefoot in the grass.
With the support of a community, I started to trust myself - and other mentors - again.
But it was this practice of regularly grounding myself that gave me a way back into my intuitive, spiritual self.
Energetic and intuitive work is my calling and it is my authentic truth.
My practice is about allowing my full self to be in service. I do this by guiding my clients to any conscious or unconscious beliefs, traumas, stored memories, blocked or stagnant energy in the body that is not serving them in moving forward to a fully empowered life.
Consent and safety are inextricably linked in my work. I will always ask for consent to receive information and share it with you. Consent has been integral in my life and my ability to feel safe, and it is central to the work I do.
Sessions may include Reiki and energy healing to help move blockages. Channeled information may come through as practices, ancestral messages, tools, or information to help you move through your blockages.
I aspire to enrich my community with empowered and thriving individuals who are doing what they love, in balance with who they are meant to be.
We are so much more than we believe ourselves to be and with the right community, support and resources we can each come into that remembrance.