My intuition story

I wasn’t born fully aware or connected to the other side like you hear so many intuitives and psychics share. 

I was born into a very normal middle class family. We weren’t religious and no one talked about spirits or anything of the non-physical realm. 

Despite this, when I was about 8 (or perhaps younger) I started connecting dots and exploring this realm on my own.

I have always been a highly sensitive person and with that sensitive awareness sometimes I’d know things. I’d know how people felt inside even if their face or voice said otherwise. I’d sometimes have dreams that would come true which were more landscape or location based versus event based.

Other times it was little things such as me and my sister telepathically communicating or when we’d just know the answer to The Price is Right (hello 90s kids!).

Me on the left, my sister with her new bike on the right.

Around this age too I just knew that my late grandmother who I’d never met before would sit and watch over us while me and my sister slept. I never questioned it because although I couldn’t see her, not even in my mind's eye, I knew she was there. I felt her and it always felt very safe, loving and comforting to have her watch over us. I  never told my mom about it because it wasn’t a subject we talked about in our household and I didn’t think anyone would believe me.

As I got older I was naturally drawn to books about the occult

I was like a moth to a spirit flame; I learned very early how to ground and meditate. In fact when I was about 14 or 15 I read about the power of a tree, the connectedness and grounding energy that they held. It resonated so much with me when I was 18 I tattooed a big tree on my back to signify their importance. And I now embody the significance within my awareness too, years later.

As I write this I am remembering a trick I learned, to turn on/off my first eye by imagining taking a hat on and off. Clairvoyance or the ability to see in your mind’s eye is always the clair everyone highlights and I wanted to be able to do that! At the time I didn’t understand that you can receive non-physical energy in many ways such as feelings or sensations in the body or hearing it with the soft voice within. All I knew was that I wanted to see things!

So the trick used an imagery hat. When the hat was on it was symbolic of the first eye being closed or like a light switch being off.  If the hat was off it was symbolic of opening the inner vision or clairvoyance, turning on the light switch.

Back then I didn’t have much luck or understanding on how to connect on demand but I am appreciating now how the Universe has been preparing me for safe connection for a very long time.

I was and have always been highly empathic and sensitive

I was often the friend people told secrets to and I often just knew things without knowing how or even realizing that it was an intuitive or psychic sense because it was so normal. Yet it wasn’t something I could tap into on demand or control.

Moving through puberty really amped things up for me as an empathic person. So much so that I remember around that time I chose to shut things down to cope. I remember reading that if you chose to close that connection that you’ll never be able to open it again. I thought to myself, well that’s stupid, so no I will not take the belief on that once the door closes it will never open again and I didn’t fret at all over it. I knew it was the best choice for me at the time.

Like most teens in my generation the ouija board was a thing and I played with it too. This experience, or I should say accumulation of experience is what solidified the other side for me… and not in a good way.

From my experience I can share that the ouija board is certainly a portal and it took many months for my house to be cleared and normal again. I will never ever touch one of those boards again. The silver lining in those experiences is that I can easily discern between what time of energy I am tapping into to, benevolent or malevolent.

All in all I was a pretty normal kid

 I didn’t get wild psychic downloads of world events or see visions in front of me. I would however become so exhausted and overwhelmed all the time and never understood that when I went into a grocery store or pub that I was picking up on everyone’s energy. My field was so porous, I couldn’t tell you from me, and I’d bring all that home with me. 

It wasn’t until I was about 20 or 21 years old that I started realizing that I had gifts or rather an opportunity to access them.

At the time I was working for a man who needed physical assistance as he was a quadriplegic with very limited mobility in his shoulders. He did energy and herbal work and I was his hands, the surrogate, when he was working on a client. While working for him I trained at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist too.  

Summer 2009

Through this exposure of working with clients as a surrogate, I was getting images and knowings about the clients but I kept it to myself for a while not really understanding it. When I started sharing to my boss that I was receiving insight during a session he was not happy. He immediately down played it and constantly found ways to put me down.

At the time I didn’t hold the understanding or confidence to stand up for myself. But looking back now I can see he felt threatened and he used his authority over me to create just enough distrust in myself that I’d need him.

Regardless of his attempts to keep me small, it became clear pretty quickly that I had a knack for energetic work and so I started training under his mentor. I learned a lot in that time and my gifts accelerated to match my enthusiasm.

Unfortunately that mentorship ended after a man 45+ years my senior confessed his love for me and attempted to use his authority to manipulate me adding another peg of mistrust to my inner Self. 

Although my childhood was average, my life is not ordinary.

Through this time of training both in the energetic realm and as a nutritionist my mom was diagnosed with cancer and passed quickly, within 6 months.

My mom had always been supportive of everything I did. I practiced everything on her and her death was devastating in every way for me. I stopped trusting myself and completely shut myself down, again. At 24 I doubted everything about myself and lost my pillar. 

Summer of 2012, the last summer I had with my mom.

It was during this grieving process that reiki came into my life and I was attuned to level one. I was slowly starting to come out of my grief shell and share my work again when I got pregnant and we moved across the country to Ontario. It did not go as planned. 

Within less than 2 years of losing my mom, my partner passed 4 days before our daughter was born. To say I was lost in those days, weeks and months that followed would be a massive understatement.

I lost total confidence, trust and lust for life. I was defeated. And yet, I had a baby to raise and so onward I went, tiny step by tiny step, I learned to live again. It was not easy and when I reflect back I feel I was a ghost moving through life, I was there but not fully present. Honestly, I don’t know how I did it. 

LIfe goes on

Before I was ever ready to even think about another relationship, forces greater than I intervened and I met an exceptional man literally in my aunt's backyard when me and my daughter had moved back to BC to live with her.

In time I slowly started to heal and reconnect to myself. I rekindled my grounding practice, committing to only 5 minutes a day every day and it was a game changer.

While pregnant with my second daughter I had a psychic reading where she told me that I would be doing readings like her. I laughed at her, because a) I’d never received psychic info in that manner before and b) how could I trust myself enough again? She said “No really you will, here practice right now on me.” Needless to say, it was a flop but she still held firm that I would be doing it. I put that dream on the back burner. 

Fall 2017

Once my second baby arrived I restarted my nutrition practice and started engaging with life again beyond being a mom. I would tell friends close to me that I loved my nutrition work but I missed energy work. But I couldn’t possibly see how I could step back into that realm, how I could come back to trusting myself and feeling safe? 

Despite this inner confusion and lack of self esteem the Universe kept providing opportunities for me to dip my toes back into it again. I failed a lot. I said no to opportunities because I was terrified and felt I wasn’t good enough. Yet I somehow continued to slowly crawl forward in my journey. A big part of this was getting support from a variety of practitioners. We aren’t meant to do life alone and although I did (and continue to do) all the healing myself because no one can do the healing for you, having support and trusting people to guide me was paramount to my healing and forward momentum. 

Around this time I also received my reiki level two attunement and that process was extremely supportive of reawakening my gifts.

When The Universe fast tracks you

But apparently it wasn’t quite fast enough because on one Sunday evening, during our weekly dinner at my in-laws I spiked a high fever out of nowhere (these were pre-pandemic times).

We left dinner early to get me home and as I was laying in bed just as my fever peaked I received one of the most potent and tangible messages from Spirit in my life.

Archangel Michael, (who at the time I had no idea who or what he was yet it was clear as day I knew that it was Archangel Michael) came before me oscillating between a man and a light form. He telepathically communicated to me that it was time to honour my gifts. I had much more to share with the world and that I was part of something greater than I could foresee at the time. He shared some visions of being in ceremony, circles and community. While this was happening I had a vision of an eagle flying and then I became the eagle. Even today I can so vividly feel the wings and muscles of being the eagle, in my body.

I got the message loudly and clearly that it was time to step out of my comfort zone, reconnect with my gifts and share them. There was much much more for me in this life and it was time to honour that… even if I had zero f’ing clue how to!

After receiving that message my fever stopped and I never got sick. The Universe intervened for me to step up.

I was left stunned and at a loss for how to actualize this powerful message. Yet as soon as I accepted it and opened myself to the possibility the Universe continued to intervene and provide for me, and still does to this day.

Within weeks I found a course that re-sparked my energetic and intuitive inner faith. It took me a few more weeks and lots of inner work for it all to come flooding back. 

For me the prompts to clear, ground and delayering my pains and traumas were the key to unlocking my inner voice again. It allowed me to rebuild my trust within to know that much of my pain was actually other people's pain put on me such as my old boss keeping me in a position of inferiority and it was time to rewrite my story; it was time to stop giving my power away.

Discovering my truth

I started applying and TRUSTING the voice within me to my science based nutrition practice because it was easier to use that as a springboard vs. starting from scratch.

I saw how client after client struggled even when their hormones were balanced, meal plans were provided and the gut was rebalanced, there was more. The physical body was supported but it was clear to me that there were deeper wounds that, if left unchecked, eventually would resurface as different physical symptoms.

I knew that I could create more impact by going straight to the energetic root cause instead of chasing physical root causes.

June 2022 by Lindyn Williams

When I started sharing my intuitive and psychic insights with my clients and audience,  wowza it was well received! In time I started to truly believe and see that my dreams of working as an energetic practitioner were not only possible but I could also thrive there. 

In time I received my reiki master teacher level and I made the bold choice to step down from my nutrition practice despite everyone telling me I shouldn’t. After too many times of listening to everyone else, giving my power away, I knew it was time to honour my truth even if it didn’t make sense to anyone else. 

And mama has it paid off in terms of rebuilding my confidence, financially, my mental, emotional and physical well-being and the reminder that I am deeply held and guided, always

Intuition is your birthright

I know wholeheartedly that we are all born intuitive Beings, it is our very nature as humans whether we choose to access and develop it or not. Once we decide to fully utilize these innate gifts and knowings the flow of events can and will support us, for the best and highest good for all. Whether you’re like me who goes on a windy and non-linear journey or a more straightforward one, expansion is available to you.

Through years of using my gifts to shutting them down, to reawakening to them again and again and again I have learned that it is all a choice. But when we choose our wholeness, our fullness, even when it doesn’t make sense to others or it is scary, life opens in ways that you can’t even imagine.

I was the average kid from a small town and now I do Intuitive Readings, chakra balancing, teach Reiki and teach anyone how to connect into this wonderful world of their innate intuition and abundance for people all over the world.

Accessing and utilizing your intuition is for everyone, it is not reserved for only a few elite or select people. It is time to step in to your power as the brilliant Being that you are.

Welcome Home

Which is exactly why I created Welcome Home, the course that encompasses all my learnings over the last 15 years and a community. Because having a community of folks I trusted, who could see me and hear me without feeling like I may sound crazy allowed me to flourish. I felt understood fully for the first time. And with that level of being seen and validated, it grew my trust in myself and invited my gifts and healing to accelerate even more. 

My journey inwards showed me how much I’d put my own needs, truths and feelings aside in order to help another, to be accepted or loved. I was always last. Reconciling this within myself has been one of the greatest gifts of my journey, I have learned to trust and take care of myself without guilt or shame.

Overcoming self doubt, my inner critic, and self sabotaging behaviors have been huge milestones for me. And now I am excited to guide you to your highest timelines too.

Join Welcome Home today to walk the path back to You; we start September 15th!




Starseed origin


What my 10 days social media hiatus did for me