Soul revolution

mentoring individuals who are ready to be the soul-centered leaders that our world needs.

As a mentor, I am your guide & support to bring you back to your remembrance of wholeness and to the gifts that already reside within you.

Each 3 month container is a dance of pragmatic and tangible support interwoven with exploring the ethereal. Because you are both a human who needs concrete action and an energetic Being holding and expressing energy.

You can only get so far with instructions and to-do’s if there is an underlying emotional or energetic blockage.

And you are leaving unprepared if you are only receiving belief clearings, psychic insight, energetic healings, uncoverings and inner child work.

soul revolution is for those:

  • desiring to expand and strengthen their intuitive and psychic expression

    • into an existing career/ job (massage therapist, counselor, teacher, entrepreneur, artist, hairdresser, nurse, etc).

    • or those who desire to have their intuitive & psychic abilities stand on their own through channeling, readings, reiki, energy work, etc.

  • who are already a healer, energetic practitioner, HD reader, community or spiritual leader who desires a container to be held, to up level their gifts and expand their impact.

  • ready to start a spiritual based business that is full of integrity, boundaries and abundance.

  • who want to create impact and step into their soul’s purpose without being burnt out, exhausted and resentful. 

  • who are aware that there is a shift occurring and require guidance in navigating the transformation.

  • ready to embody their healing, personal evolution and translate it into fck-yes, I’m in the flow energy.

  • ready to walk through a life changing transformation portal.

  • who are ready to have a nervous system that is capable of holding soul aligned clients.

  • going through a spiritual awakening, feeling lost, confused but know there is more out there. 

  • ready to raise their frequency, dissolve blocks and connect with higher realms.

  • who know that Spirit is contacting them but aren’t confident in the messages being received. 

  • who know that they receive messages but do not know how to control when the messages come in or how to turn it off. 

“I joined Soul Revolution to assist me in moving forward in my own energy healing business and I can tell you that the results exceeded my expectations! Nyla’s guidance and innate healing abilities helped me uncover and dissolve blocks that were surrounding my ability to succeed. The amount of healing accomplished during our time together was something I never imagined could occur and I felt so supported and held in the container every step of the way. 

Nyla was unable to uncover and remove limitations that were deeply buried. I felt my own personal power taking shape and I was able to quantify the experience and know that it is not only accessible to me, but that it is me. Beyond the transformative experiences, what truly sets Nyla apart is her deep care and compassion. I felt supported and deeply cared for in my journey. Her empathy and non-judgement create a space where I felt safe to explore the parts of myself that were challenging, to move through them, and to grow.

Soul Revolution was a deep and expansive transformation experience which I continue to feel integrating and evolving in me. And my business is growing! I have also recognized shifts in family members which I feel are directly related to uncovering and releasing long held generational trauma, which was completely unexpected and is one of the best gifts I could have received. I will forever be grateful to Nyla! She has been my Soul Doula, birthing me into new experiences and a brand new frequency and I am filled with so much gratitude. “

Cindy December 2023

Nyla is an Intuitive Channel, psychic and Reiki Master Teacher using her abilities to guide people into their innate healing and soul’s purpose. By connecting with her client’s soul, aura and Spirit guides Nyla brings forth messages to help them navigate entrenched pain into grounded peace and self love. 

Nyla becomes a bridge of the ethereal and the physical to offer clarity, insight and grounded action to create the transformation and self healing her clients are striving for.

Mentorship and teaching expands Nyla’s belief that all humans are innately intuitive and psychic as a knowing and turning it into empowered action for her clients. Honing, developing and honouring these abilities ripples out into more ease in your day to day life, trusting your inner voice, being more decisive, living a more joy-filled life, being more present and soul satisfied. 

Did you know you can talk to soul, spirit guides and transitioned loved ones as I do?

You are born with the innate capability to converse with spirit and the unseen realm. Intuitive and psychic abilities are not bestowed to a handful of privileged folks. It is accessible and available to all.

The learning may come in the form of attuning to or strengthening to the subtle sense. But those messages have always been available to guide, inspire, heal and assist you for your highest good. 

Life becomes richer, fuller and more manageable when you hold the resources to overcome life's inevitable challenges, learning how to listen to your inner guidance system instead of relying on external sources, tapping into a higher source and ending karmic patterns. 

Having Nyla as a mentor was an absolute gift from God. I respectfully call her Holy Vessel. She was explicitly committed to my highest good and graciously, tirelessly and directly guided me through some of the biggest transformations of my life. I could feel her essence supporting me. As a fellow practitioner in this realm of expertise, I cannot recommend this sacred container enough if you are ready for growth in your career and souls work. She navigated huge depths and heights with me, with a grounded surety and confidence that always had me at ease and empowered. God bless you Holy Vessel for the way you show up and the gifts that you offer.
— Jane F. - Oct 2023

Every single human has the ability to tap into their intuitive, psychic and mediumship abilities. The only difference between me and you is that I’ve embraced them and learned how to strengthen and grow my abilities. 

Let’s spend some time together uncovering what is holding you back from fully stepping into your soul’s highest expression.

Whether you are starting from scratch, learning how to differentiate between intuitive messages vs fear, looking to bring forward a new ability or expanding an existing practice this Mentorship Container is for you. 

6 biweekly 1:1 zoom sessions within a 3 month period; One initial 2 hour meeting with five subsequent 1 hour meetings

  • Personalized opening and closing ceremonies

  • Receiving psychic & intuitive insight and healing work 

  • Connecting to your soul and your soul’s mission

  • Teachings and learnings that support the growth for the ‘level’ that you are at

  • Practical and pragmatic ‘to do’s’, homework and accountability 

  • Discover, develop and amplify your own unique gifts

  • A space to practice these abilities 

  • Direct access to Nyla between biweekly meetings to share feedback and ask questions

  • Access to each month’s CMBC and any other works within your container

  • 3 month Access to the Welcome Home monthly coaching call to expand your community, share and practice in a group setting

the soul revolution is tailored to the individual needs but will always include:

You will be pushed to your limit, extending your comfort zone to expand into your highest calling.

Within the Soul Revolution container you have 2 options: Reiki Mentorship or Intuitive Mentorship

  • The 3 month Reiki Soul Revolution includes one reiki attunement and teachings based on your level in addition to the above

  • The 3 month Intuitive Soul Revolution is open to all possibilities that you may require for the season you find yourself in

As a teacher and mentor it is my intention to be in loving service to your personal ascension. I intend to hold a grounding, loving container to fully unfurl the deepest dark to make way for the brightest light to come forward.

I show up fully in my practice and as such I ask that you take full responsibility to open yourself to your power and commit to your transformation.

In this mutual trust and agreement there is infinite possibility for you to experience Spirit in your unique way and to be guided to embody it into all areas of your life.  

Your pain and hardship doesn’t define you.

You are an innately sensitive soul with extraordinary gifts.

Let us translate that super power of yours to be safely expressed, accepted and received in the world.

Energetic exchange: $2555

Following our 3 months together you will have the opportunity to continue to access my support through a one hour reconnection call if you feel called to seek upkeep or have specific questions answered. The reconnection call will be offered at a special rate without the need for a full container.

intuitive readings

welcome home

healing pod